How Does ENJO Work?

After learning about ENJO, if you are like me, you are probably wondering how does this actually work??  I was a HUGE skeptic at first.  

Check out the graphics below to learn more about how ENJO works from a scientific standpoint as well as a practical one.

Scientifically, ENJO works by lifting and trapping dirt, oil, and bacteria into the fiber...where it stays until you wash it out!

Practically, ENJO is a simple three step process with the most fibers! Just spray cold water, wipe with the glove or cloth, and dry with the ENJOfil!

The best part? No chemicals means no residue. So ENJO is safer for your family, your pets, and the environment. AND, no residue means that surfaces stay cleaner LONGER!!! Who doesn't love that idea?  Check out the graphics below to learn a little more.  Now that you know more about how it works you maybe wondering how ENJO compares to similar products on the market.

Ok ok ok but I'm a true germophobe at heart and I still don't get it?  This is exactly the question I asked myself.  It took watching this video, to quiet my inner germophobe...

See how ENJO and water beat chemical sprays cleaners and store-bought microfiber cleaning cloths when it comes to hygiene in the kitchen by achieving the lowest bacteria reading of all.


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